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Sunday, June 1, 2008

heloooo people!! Cureently in Taman negara Pahang. lol. they actually have internet here. XD so happy. Haih err been here since firday! Todae is the first day of JUNE. yay! lolok errr update since friday. so it's sorta like, We left friday and i was in the car for 6 hours.=,= my ass hurt like hell. haha. Then blabla. We checked into some resort. it totaly defeats the point of us stayin in tmn negara. I seriously thought we were gonna camp. T.T but anywaysss first day we just chilled at night we went on some river curise thingy. We saw an owl, a leopard cat and some magpie robins. Uber cute. Well malam tu i couldn't sleep cuz i found out got internet. lol i was trying to sign in messenger but couldn't. haha. Then next day had to get up at 8. O.O. i know. Then i got up at 8 and blabla at 9 went for breakfast then at 10.30 we left to the jetty to get a boat to go to Lata Berkoh. lol So we went there n all and on the way nice scenery and bla. Then when u went aground there were leeches. hhahaahaha. lol. Deeya's mom was screaming her lungs off. hahahahahahaha. i got bitten by about 6. oh gay! yea... then after tt we were supposed to hike for 5 hours back to the place there. O.o my dad didn't let me go. oh gay la. walau.Then we went back and went rapid shooting. quite boring laaa. then after tt we went swimming at sme stream. uber nice. I saw this tree and it was soo nice. haih din bring my camera. T.T but then we balik laaa then makan makan blablabla. Next day which was yesterday we did the canopy walk. We went on this hanginf bridge. i screamed. YES i am afraid of heights. lol then after tt i followed the hiking group for a 300m Upwards trail onto some hill. it's uber uber steep. like wtgay la. And it was leech free but still like going up laaa n sliperry ness. oh gay la. Then we came back at 3 but started at 12. like sooo tired after tt i drank 2 teh-o-ais and makan 2 nasi goreng china. haha! rocklaaa then later tt night we went on a 4X4 trail. cool la wei. haha XD anyways today we went to the orang asli village. haha and we went through the rapids again i got effting wet. oh gay la. lol but theen we might be going genting 2moro! weeeeee lol.

8:53 AM

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Oh gay. haish didn't blog for quite a while.  so erh, on sunday mornin Mars fell, and i fell with him like wth. werid but everyone was like congratz, you fell twice in such a short period of time. O.o. i was like.... LOL. Hmmmm monday  I went riding as usual, quite boring though, then it hujan hujan like nobodys business. O.o. My dressage wasn't tt good that day hish. Then we all go makan at SS. now uncle razali pulak extra come to Taman Negara with us. LOL. haish. bes bes bes. at least ada kawan apa. lol. anyways. Then today is the rokcin stuff. I went to Jasmine's house from erm..... 1.30 like tt. soo fun. First I went, Vithya was there. we did the whole, "I-havent-seen-you-for-ages" hug lol. although we just saw each other 2 days ago. lol so we went up. jasmine was non-stop bout her MANICURE. o.o Then we raided her wardobe and changed into dresses. lol i've got the pics in FS ^_^.  link yeahs?? so anyways.... halfway through, we go makan makan. EGG & chocolates. lol i ate bout 3 merci chocolates, one ferro roche, and one flake. oh gay! it was dreamy! lol then we went back up. Then we started hangin out with Jasmine's sis, Julia. ^_^. Lol she was open and talkative. LIKE ME! lol Extra seeh! so anyways we talked and chatted and me n vithya showed her our "guys" pics. lol. then we started taking pictures. rockseh! lol. all of them r in my profile ^_^. so then anyways halfway through vithya had to go home. O.o sad wei! then we all went down to the piano and took this uber cool picture. lol On FS as well! so then all the blabla, Jasmine played the piano, Julia played the drums n i sang. lol we did 2 songs. lol rockseh. then after all the blabla. Jasmine was emo. O.o
then i cheered her up! ^_^ i feel so good! then i had to go home. oh gay! yea. n now i'm here writing all the crap tt hapened today. haish. :P nth much to say ready so...

9:40 PM

Sunday, May 25, 2008

elo. It's been bout, errrrr 5 or 6 days since i last posted. Yikes. okay so erm, will only manage to post from friday it was the... 23rd okie so 23rd?

23rd May 2008

Oh gay. I woke up mcm biasa laaaa, then go to sch, oh ya, I talked to cedric the other night, the he said somethin then halfway stop. and summore he called me BARNEY. oh gawd? I said i will smack him in sch. then he said if i wanna know search for him in sch. like WTH. So yala i go to sch and waited for him. Lavania gave me my B'day present. Couples mug. WTH but was cute so, ARIGATO!. Then We had to go up to the hall for assembly and all tt. Then when we were up there, Cedric was walkin in and all then i went to him and smacked him.(yes!) Then i asked him to tell me,  then he was like, "I'll tell u aftr sch?" Oh gawd. annoying much?. Then i buat bodoh la. like WTH. I KNEW he wasn't gonna tell me at all, so i was like WTH and din bother. Then went for recess and all and on the way 2 the canteen i saw cedric again. but dia tu nak mcm budak kecik, he ran cuz he thought i was gonna ask him. like WTH. so i malas and buat bodoh. and then after eating i saw him, he saw me, he ran. again. I just said, "walaue, why so so whatseh." it was ANNOYING. so i was like wth, then lavania saw Faris and shouted, "alicia loves Cedric" I was like, no. but he took it as if i said yes. oh gay. So i stresssssss. yaya, i din care, then went back to class, returned report book, then had to clean up the class and blablablablabla. so me and Fara went to take kain to clean the windows, and tt time was the upper sec's recess. oh gawd. I walked and told fara, "if u see cedric, tell me, wannat take the other way". THEN I SAW HIM. he oso saw, he ran to the other side. walau, aku buat bodoh je la, like wth, I'm not desprate i just want to know, kalau dia nak mcm 2 go die la. So then when we went back down, had to use the same way, then i saw faris, and said hi then faris shouted, "Cedric, shes here!" i was like wth. O.o oh gay. I smacked faris, then Fara went to see diyana, i went la and talk talk then we went back to class. i was emo, cuz i kena paiseh in front of quarter of the upper sec. oh gawd. Then I went CWP with Rizwan, his gf and Sylvia, then makan MAC. Then went home in bad mood, thank gawd i could ride, so i rode, and we did Dressage prelim 1.1 and 1.2. VIVALDI was AMAZING. oh gawd. ILH! and then went home blablablabla..... the end. lol.

24th May 2008.

I am uber rajin to wake up at 8. ^_^ I went riding and we did Jumping. like oh gawd! I was soooo fun cuz i fell. LOL Okay it was like this, first we had to canter over the canter poles and a ground pole, then we had to go over the crossfence, and then turn and go over the upright with the fancy fancy deco, then to the plank uprights and over the canter poles again. so when me and Vivaldi did it, After the Crossfence, I was cantering to the fancy upright, then he went back to trot, i got him back to canter in time, then he jumped over it and when he landed, took off. He ws heading for the bushes at like, 90 km/h . lol. then i was trying to turn him to make a circle but he like, stopped in the bushes. So i like, flipped off, I fell in front and knocked my jaw on his head and then on the bushes and on the ground. It didn't hurt. just my jaw a bit la. but i was like, "are you okay?" to vivaldi. LOL. I got up and checked HIM and then Jay came over and gave me a leg up. then i re-jumped the fence and the end. Niloo gave me ice. lol Thanks! Then by the time i was done and all, it was like 10.30 so i went home like lightning cuz i was supposed to meet vithya at CS. oh gay! ya so went home got ready, booked narnia tickets and all, then went to pick her up. in the car we took this super super nice pic, i can't upload it yet. oh gay! but anyways my parents let us eat lunch alone and also watch the movie alone, so it rocked, first me n vithya went to B1 to look at the resaturants but they were all, oh gay! So we went vivo. lol the pizza rocked to the core, problem was it had too many onions. alamak. And we talked talked, i saw a pic of her guy. oh lol. He looks weird. (NO OFFENCE) lol. then we watched narnia, Edmund is cuter now. oh gay. lol then after the movie, we met up with my parents again, then we went to holiday plaza, then we hung around in parkson and saw this super nice jacket. Then i also got a new swimsuit. FINALLY! then yayala we go here go there, then we went to Tebrau City, We went Jusco, me and Vithya saw one ah lian clothing line and went, we picked two dresses and went to changing rooms We would come out together then laugh at each other. then go back in then sawp dresses,  we through it over the wall blocking the two rooms. lol then we came out again. LOL SOO FUN! then after tt My parents brought us makan Secret recipie and i saw sum1 i knew. oh gay. lol. then we went to the toilet, oh the way, there was some show and we watched a bit and i was this girl, no whore lol seducting guys from the audience. LOL it was funny!. hahah the guys were like, WTH. haha. then blabla. had to go home..... awh gay so sad. then i went to sleep lol.

today 25th May 2008! oh gay i update tonight. lol
have a nice day

2:11 PM

Monday, May 19, 2008

oh gay My life story today is, I woke up at around errrr 11? yeaps I dreamt bout something really weird. lol. then i got up and i had a bath straight away, like WTGAY cuz i thought it was like 1 ready? lol then i mandi mandi, put on a GREEN shirt, oh gay, yala then bladibladibla. Went on9, lol he was on9 so early mannn. I talked to J kejap then I re-did my life. Seriously it was like sometthing bumped into my head. lol. I re-edited my FS,  i CLEANED my room. I ATE b'fast. Oh gay. so not me but, wth. Then after all that, I talked a bit with Tanja then called vithya and we talked for about... 30 mins? yeah, then i was bored and decided to talk to him. and lol the convy was about..... okay then anyways it was ready like .... 1.30? oh lol. yayaya then i checked my emails and there ws one from Sennet. the Premier Cup thingayyy. Then my mom came and kepoh and then i asked her to read the ting and blbla. Then i got changed and went for my riding, in the car my mom was blabla-ing bout how expensive my horse riding is and bla.... oh gay. yala then IDC and we went to shell to but 100 plus for viv and then we went there and i got ready. We did jumping todae. errr I went over 3 poles, one cross-fence and one upright. oh gay. I did them all in trot and the last one in canter where i was like sesat. lol. I had to wear that stupid vest. oh gay ya ya. hte it. lol. My mom rushed home  cuz she was supposed to bring my bro's to watch Narnia, I;m gonna watch it with Vithya like... errr saturday? yeap yeap. Vivaldi is puffing. oh gay. IDK what's wrong with him.haih gotta give him a break. Anyways then i came home and was bored, i made beef bacon. lol. It was GOOD but i burned 1. lol thinkin of my convy with him, so that's what happened. lol. alamak. then i makan and i was on9 till like now. decided to blog la. haih nth interesting... yet??

7:05 PM

Sunday, May 18, 2008

YAY! YAY! OMGAY this post is gonna be looooong (2days updateee):

17th May 2008:

Okay woke up this morning at like.... 10 lol went to hv my bath then went on9. put on shorts n Tee first then asked Shazee what's she's wearing.*Today is our drama excursion thingay*. She was wearing something nice and FANCAYYY but i din feel like it. I WANTED TO RIDEEE. So i put on my "Mitavite Team Asia" Polo. OMGAY! I'm in love. lol It's pink! It's elleses. Anywayyyy i put on jeans and sneakers and hoop earings and my "junk bag" as my mom calls it. LOL?My parents were goinf for some Musical thingay at the esplanade at bout the same time so they sent me first. We went to pick sum1 up then we went *YAY! The causeway wass... okayyy la. not too bad. Tanja was like, "The jam going out of Singapore is horrible" lol. It's going out! lol. SO  then they sent me to sch and then my day was ruined cuz i saw Mr. Shah . OH GAY! Then i oso saw Buva and Shazeee. It was ermm... 1.15? yaya! so we went to the toilet and blablabla. LOL. went back saw Rizwan and Sylvia. Sylvia said she saw him with his girlfirend, I was like.... oh gay! Then blablabla. Went on bus, me n sylvia took LOTS LOTS of pics. lol J tak kena layan. yala he was playin with his PSP what to do? so then we went there and like... watched the play. it was FUNNNAY. lol. HAHAHAH u should seee. seriouslay. ok now... pretty story ending, sooo when it finished, i planned with my mom to meet they all at suntech. But ISTG, I HAD NO IDEA where it was. I went back laaa with the DC and the bus dropped us at CWP. I GAVE a message AND called my parents sooo many times. but the phone was off. oh gay
i went la i went gonna buy Mac then my dad was like, U drop everythin and get on the MRT to orchard NOW! I was like, WTGAY and i had like a really really huge argument over the phone with bot of my parents b4 my dad said that and i was like WTGAY! Then Rizwan said, makan first, then u go. then we went Mac anyways then makan at the carpark 6th floor i think? yala then I was emo-ing then Sylvia said if her mom was still at orchard she could follow me. then her mom WAS stll there. like, WTGAY! then we went *after eatin* and I was soooo jakun, go tap my EZ-link like soo many times cuz i din work through my purse. LOL PAISEH.Then we went on the MRT. first we stood, then we sat, then we sat at the corner. LOL. the we arrive at orhcard my mom said meet at the Mandarin hotel. oh gay. WE COULD WALK! yayayaayayayyay! so, Sylvia and I walked down Orchard road. Just the two of us. oh gay. We took pics, and were like soooo jakun. LOL? I felt underdressed to be walkin in ochard. lol. But Sylvia was like " I'm wearin skinnies" then i was like " I'm wearin huge hoops and a Tee from a sponsor?" lol.. hahahahah we took soo long cuz we were enjoying the walk. lol! ......we actually walk past Takashimaya.... AT NIGHT! WITHOIT OUR PARENTS!!! and we bought something... FROM 7/11 AT ORCHARD! lol lol! but i was funnnnnnn. yala then finally reached the hotel, her mum picked up and blabalbalabalbala.. boring stuff, haih... that was... errr yesterday???

18th May 2008

OKAYYYYYY!!!rock. This mornin i woke up at.... 6? lol lol lol. got ready and went for.. RIDIN! lol listened to HITZ on the way and and makan MAC for B'fast. LOL! yay! 8 o'clock lesson was KETAM. There were 2 novice in an intermediate lesson. like WTGAY! then me n becky like hang around la.... oh gay then we did self ride at erm.... 11? did alot of canter work. Then we jummped over the logs.. ROCK. lol as in it rocked. then when we fin i went up and makan makan.Err was around.. 12-ish. Cancelled my 2 o'clock cuz catz said Viv was puffing. i was like OMGAY! I ate like SOOO fast then went down and hung out with my vivi-bear till like..... 3.30? I love him soo much, I was worried sick mannnn. oh gay then i hung around RL and was mooping around. LOL. soo bored. Then me n becks ran through the water sprinkles. LOL sooo fuunny. So bored. lol yala then blablablala. FINALLY went for 5 o'clock lesson and we did our 1.1,1.3 tests, oh gay! so like.. WTF me n vivaldi sucked. LOL haih yaya.... then after all the blabla.. got off.. hosed him down and blablabla then wet up.. ate scones and blabla? then go home. lol today nth much happen lol!

10:08 PM

Thursday, May 15, 2008

oh gay! TODAY WAS SO ROCK. LOL. haha. okay from the top:

I woke up, blablabla ready by like... errr 5 ? went downstairs then watched MTV insomnia. Haih bus came sat next to Jasmine, couldn't sleep. Really worried my hair would get messy messy cuz today was the CLASS PIC! oh gay!. yayaya then I took 913 with Jasmine to sch. I was soooo damn happy when i tapped my ezlink lol! so jakun-ted. haha. Then we got off. I saw lavania. blablabla. ate prata, chased her, continued eatin blablablabla. Then we went to the hall and my rubber band snapped. i was like. WHAT THE GAY. SO i kept askin ppl. LOL i asked Hanissy and she was like BENGANG-ING. I was looking like an idiot and then he just had to pass by. i was like OMGAY. LOL.then i sat back read my book. blablablabla. Then we did the sit/stand thing which I felt was VERY VERY annoying. owh gay. hehe! Then the announcements were like. OMGAY. LOL nothing drama.....YET. owh gay la Mr. SHah. aih... then blablabla we got briefed of what to do for our post exams and blablablablabalbla. I was like, OMGAY.Then Mr. shah wanted to see us. we waitwaitwait, nothin. like WTGAY. then we went back to the hall. lol. We found mr. shah THERE like OMGAY!. Then sec1's went to IT class. OWH GAY. it was kinda okayyyyyy. hahaha we were thought about "DO NOT PIRATE". LOL our teacher himslef a pirate what to do? then we did our BLOG. like oh gay.  Me and Hanissy went out of class to look for Mrs Hazalan for the ENglish part. I was telling her about what happened with him and blabalbla. Then we came back. The IT room din open. Then we heard someone coming up then we were like bangin on the doors to get in cuz we in hv a pass. LOL then when i got in, me n Val were like rushing and hurrying to fin. LOL. then I abandoned them. haha. I went down to the toilet in the canteen. THen i went out bought noodles with Hanissy and sat with Ikha and her. And guess who was sitting at the table beside us. i was like OMGAY. I could see him and i so paiseh. Hanissy summore can go say his name out loud. oh gawd. PAISEHHHHH!!! haih then he went... then i oso blablabla. Then I went to the hangout area and everyth for the class pic just to find tht our proposal for the "we kick ass" be rejected. We moved back down to the tarmac and did 1a Formation. like WTGAY! then the best part was me n Sylvia blocked Fara's face. like WHAT THE GAY! hahaahahah i was laughin my ass off haha! oh gay. so funny. then we went to the hall and watched Dodgeball. owh gay , the sec 4's were like woo~ ing cuz it's sorta perv-ted a tiny winy bit but yeah. lol. HAHA then when bell rang we went down. LOL i was looking for hanissy then i thought of him and looked. then i saw hanissy and buva then i went to them. Then me n buva walked to the canteen. owh gay i saw fara complainin to her sis bout the pic i guess. haih. then me n buva ran for a while. then we went to canteen. I saw him and then i saw Rizwan. like WTGAY. Then i went to Rizwan and smack him. LOL. then talk talk. after that Buva said he was lookin at me. i was like OMGAY! lol. I went to kash and Shaz. we talk talk. I saw Faris at his table. I went there and asked Faris about the dress thingay then de said no need (YES!) then i went back. I was laughin with shazee nd Kash cuz it's like So gay. haha the he left then me shazee and Kash stalked him. LOL. Buva went infront at talk talk to his friend then blablabal. Then when he interrupted she said " Shut up if not i tell alicia" then he smiled. WHAT THE GAY. anyways then at the foyer he was hangin around with his buddies. Then he was walkin back I oso walk towards him. and smiled ...........he smiled back. OWH GAY! yayayayayayayay! in the bus. i was high! HIGH HIGH HIGH! dancing and singin OMGAY!

too high to type

7:58 PM

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I'm the ass holder. LOLOLOL

Ok so morning got up had my bath. blabalablabla. Looked in my mirror found a pimple. OMGAY!Put pimple cream, now gone down. Then went on9 hoping for sum1 to be on9 too. talked to sylvia. we planned out video. LOLOL. Our script is like so ROCK. LOL. Then I talked to Justin, Sean and Andrew. See I'm so observant. LOL CHecked my FS, FB and Blogger. NOthing new. Recieved a few comments and requests here and there but nothing big. Still sorta effed up waiting. Then talked to Arjay. We talked about the class pic. Come up with the decision with "1 A was here". I had lunch. SPAGG!!! Then talked to Shazee, and then Val. She said the "was here" thing was borin and suckey. then it changed to "We kick ass". LOL. yala then i went bck to FS and FB and blablabala. Then Arjay came on9. And we re-discussed it. Rjay went on about colouring it. But Val and I were like B&W is the BEST. then he was like okay. then started back on his colour and val was like. "Don't you understand that we don't need to colour it you f*****G idiot" LOLOLOLOL.. yea... then when it was all done with. I commented on sylvia's page. I'm the ass holder. LOL Was very high just now. Then when i un-high. SYlvia high ready the sent me this crap on MSN i was like WTF?!?!?! ya. Then talk bout C started all over again. n i am like WTF seehhh. LOL sylvia is now calling me te ass holder cuz 4 the class pic I want to hold the "ass" sign. LOLOL. I'm sick i know. haih. if anything else happens. I'll blog. LOL?

5:55 PM

Si Human

I get older every year on 6th June at 8.59 am.
Are what the kawan-kawan call me.

A proud conventeerwoodlander
Accepted in class 1A
Bio&Geography are my strengths

Dressage&Jumping is my passion
tt's for you people who mistaken it for donkey riding.

.My MAC.
.My pout.
.My huggable friends.
*not in order*

.Animal Testing.

No Reason to be perasan.
My opinion is what matters

Any unwanted souls visiting my blog
Will be dealt with silently





Those JB people:
Esther Tam
Haleleh Hanif
Jasmine Gan
Jaslyn Gan
Joy Tong
Joyce Tan
Mae Urika
Pritasha Naidu
Ong Shanli
Zoe Kan

Those SG humans:


February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008


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